

Our company’s reputation for integrity, responsibility and transparency has been the cornerstone of our operations.
Test image for Uniti - 1:1 Square Ratio

Our Business

Since its formation in 2015 as the first U.S. real estate investment trust focused on acquiring and leasing communications distribution systems, Uniti has grown substantially. Over the past several years the company has hired hundreds of employees, engaged in numerous transactions and currently owns millions of strand miles of fiber, hundreds of communications towers and other communications assets throughout the U.S. Since its inception, our company’s reputation for integrity, responsibility and transparency has been the cornerstone of our operations.


Since its inception, our company’s reputation for integrity, responsibility, and transparency has been the cornerstone of our operations.



Building a Strong Corporate Foundation

Uniti’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics & Whistleblower Policy, and Bylaws, along with other key policies such as its Data Protection Policy and Anti-Bribery, Anti-Corruption Policy, ensures that every employee, officer and director contribute to the care and preservation of Uniti’s reputation. These policies provide guidance to enable and encourage the anonymous reporting of any conduct that appears to raise legal or ethical concerns and establish procedures for the investigation and handling of such reports. They also set standards for employees, officers and directors over a wide range of business practices, including maintaining the integrity of Uniti’s books and records, establishing fair employment requirements, avoiding conflicts of interest, promoting health and safety practices, protecting property rights, giving and receiving of gifts and entertainment, safeguarding customer data and privacy, ensuring fair competition and dealing practices and a host of other matters.

Our Insider Trading Policy is aimed at preventing improper conduct by our employees, officers and directors, and outlines Uniti’s philosophy of avoiding even the appearance of improper activities. It also promotes promptness in the public reporting of transactions in Uniti’s securities by certain employees and all directors.

Our Corporate Governance Guidelines provide Uniti Group Inc.’s Board of Directors (the “Board”) with structures, policies and processes to ensure that Uniti’s unique business operations are overseen with effective supervision and direction. This document also outlines the Board’s duties and responsibilities, establishes the Board’s Audit, Compensation and Governance Committees, provides processes for the running of Board meetings, ensures the Board maintains independent access to management as well as independent advisors, ensures that a majority of the Board remains independent, creates a means for annual evaluation of the company’s officers, and ensures the Board’s oversight over key business risks.

Uniti’s Investors website provides a calendar of financial reporting events, press releases, investor presentations, SEC financial disclosures and a host of other information. Our Social Media Disclosure outlines Uniti’s commitment to keep the public apprised of important business operations and financial updates. We encourage investors, the media and others interested in Uniti to review the information posted on social media channels in addition to following press releases, SEC filings and public conference calls and webcasts.

Uniti’s Statement of Environmental, Social and Governance Policy outlines our commitment to integrate sustainable and responsible practices impacting environmental, social and governance issues, in its general business strategies and long-term goals. These measures are discussed in more depth on the other portions of Uniti’s website.

While Uniti has made significant investments to establish policies aimed at promoting effective corporate governance and transparency, the work is never done. We continue to evaluate additional processes aimed at promoting effective governance of the business and disclosure to the public, and will update this page with additional information as it becomes available.


Our Employees

Uniti pledges to honor our employees and improve their experience with our company at every available opportunity. This begins in the hiring process. Uniti is dedicated to equal employment hiring practices and strives to attract and maintain a diverse workforce.


Valuing Well-being, Health and Safety

Uniti is committed to ensuring that all of our workplaces are safe for our employees and free of discrimination and harassment in all forms. Whether sitting at a desk in Arkansas or laying fiber in Alabama, Uniti’s comprehensive set of health and safety programs, as well as our workplace security plans, demonstrate dedication to the well-being of our employees.

Uniti’s dedication to workplace safety and other employment related issues has earned us Great Place to Work certifications seven years in a row (2018-2024). Our future includes striving for new policies, trainings and commitments, which will continue to support our employees, and efforts to remain a leader in our industry for employee engagement and satisfaction.



Local Communities

At Uniti, we believe everyone deserves to connect – regardless of location or socioeconomic status.

While Uniti helps local communities benefit economically, Uniti in the Community strives to give back to help those same communities build a brighter tomorrow.

Building and strengthening communities

Uniti in the Community is our people-focused, corporate philanthropic program, designed to give back to the communities we call “home”. We do this in part by introducing our employees to specific organizations and providing opportunities for them to get involved locally.

Our Charitable and Political Contributions Policy not only provides high ethical standards for contributions from Uniti, but also gives each of our employees a voice in how Uniti supports our hometowns. We encourage our employees to nominate local charitable organizations and events to be financially supported by Uniti. Our investment, however, runs deeper than just financial giving.

We are deeply grateful that many of our employees choose to invest their own precious resources, including time volunteering and supporting many of these same organizations.

Uniti further encourages this practice by offering our employees a generous paid volunteer time program. We believe using our resources for good changes how we see the world and our place in it.


We believe using our resources for good changes how we see the world and our place in it.


Human Rights

Advancements in technology are enabling the world to communicate and exchange information in an unprecedented way. Uniti is proud to be a part of this energizing time in history, but we recognize that it also creates social and economic responsibilities for companies like Uniti. While governments are responsible for protecting human rights through advancing national platforms related to security, public safety, law enforcement and preventing harm to children, corporations must also take action.


Kenny Gunderman | President & CEO

“Human rights are fundamental and should be upheld at every turn, not simply in day to day life, but in each and every business transaction. Uniti is committed to being an industry leader in all issues related to human rights. We believe that fair labor, as well as minority and women’s rights, are essential to overall corporate success. Child labor and human trafficking are abhorrent and corporations have a responsibility to take action to prevent them from occurring.”

—Kenny Gunderman | President & CEO

Fostering human rights

Uniti’s corporate values promote and foster human rights and related issues such as customer privacy and data protection. We express these values not only by adhering strictly to our Whistleblower Policy and Code of Conduct, but also by fostering relationships built on respect, integrity and fairness. We expect our business partners to hold themselves to similar high standards in these regards.

We respect the broad principles of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and believe they should be guideposts for businesses around the globe. Uniti will continue to promote human rights and values by engaging with our communities, evaluating our business models and incorporating new policies and practices where appropriate.


Our Environment

As a non-traditional real estate investment trust that primarily invests in communications distribution assets rather than other traditional REIT assets, Uniti’s policies towards environmental stewardship are unlike those of many other real estate investors.

However, Uniti appreciates the role that our investments and interactions play with respect to environmental stewardship, and is committed not only to undertaking an environmental risk analysis as part of every investment decision we make, reducing our direct resource usage and impacts where consistent with our fiduciary duties and disclosing material environmental impacts that our operations may have, but also holding our vendors to high standards, including environmental ones, through enforcement of our Vendor Code of Conduct. For additional information regarding Uniti’s commitments and practices in this area, please consult our Environmental Policy.


Assessing environmental impacts of operations

Compared to many other businesses, Uniti is not a significant direct user of energy, water or other natural resources, and our business operations have only a minimal impact on the environment. We do not mine or import raw materials, nor do we engage in manufacturing, shipping, agricultural or other environmentally intensive activities. Uniti’s minimal environmental impacts originate from two primary areas: 1) operations deploying communications network infrastructure undertaken by our subsidiaries, and 2) general corporate operations.

To date, Uniti is not aware of any non-compliance with any clean water or clean air standards, or any environmental licenses, permits, or other requirements. Furthermore, Uniti acknowledges the human right to water and sanitation, and specifically, that everyone is entitled to sufficient, safe, acceptable, physically accessible and affordable water for personal and domestic uses.



Everyone is entitled to sufficient, safe, acceptable, physically accessible and affordable water for personal and domestic uses.




Our Annual ESG Reports

Uniti’s annual Environmental, Social, and Governance (“ESG”) Reports provide an overview of our ESG policies and commitments and highlights many of our accomplishments throughout the year.


Kenny Gunderman | President & CEO

“Uniti’s ESG Report demonstrates our commitment to operating our businesses in a sustainable and responsible manner, while at the same time continuing to grow each one of those businesses and realizing significant value for our stockholders, customers, and communities.”
—Kenny Gunderman | President & CEO


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Kenny Gunderman
President - Chief Executive Officer
Kenny Gunderman

Kenny Gunderman is president and chief executive officer of Uniti Group Inc. He has 20 years of experience in the telecommunications industry and is focused on growing Uniti’s real estate portfolio of mission critical communications infrastructure. He has prior experience at Stephens, Lehman Brothers and KPMG. He currently serves on the board of the Arkansas Game and Fish Foundation, the Hendrix College Board of Trustees, and the NAREIT Board of Governors. Gunderman holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Hendrix College and an MBA from Yale.

Paul Bullington
Treasurer - Chief Financial Officer
Paul Bullington

Paul Bullington is the chief financial officer and treasurer of Uniti Group Inc., previously serving as senior vice president of Strategic Operations for Uniti Fiber. Until its acquisition by Uniti in 2017, he served as the CFO of Southern Light, a position he held since the company began operating in 2001. During his time as CFO, the company was named one of the “5,000 Fastest Growing Companies in America” by Inc. Magazine for nine consecutive years.

Bullington also has prior experience at Accenture and Royal Cup Coffee. He currently serves on the board of Eastern Shore Repertory Theatre and is a former director of First Community Bank in Alabama. Bullington holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Birmingham-Southern College and an MBA from The University of Chicago Booth School of Business.

Daniel Heard
EVP - General Counsel and Secretary
Daniel Heard

Daniel Heard is an executive vice president, general counsel and secretary for Uniti. Heard is responsible for the company’s legal affairs and corporate governance.

Heard previously was a partner in the law offices of Kutak Rock LLP in Little Rock, Arkansas.

At Kutak Rock, Heard represented public companies in corporate, securities and merger and acquisition transactions. His clients comprised a wide range of industries, including telecommunications, information technology and food processing. He has extensive experience in negotiating, structuring and consummating mergers and acquisitions, public offerings of debt and equity securities and other corporate finance transactions.

Heard graduated from the William H. Bowen School of Law at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock and has a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Central Arkansas.

Michael Friloux
EVP - Chief Technology Officer
Michael Friloux

Michael Friloux is an executive vice president and the chief technology officer of Uniti. He has over 30 years of telecommunications and information systems technology experience and is focused on future proofing Uniti’s information technology systems.

Friloux previously was chief executive officer and president of PEG Bandwidth where he led the wireless backhaul provider through a time of rapid expansion serving 2,400 cell towers over a 15,000 route mile network through 16 states.

Prior to joining PEG Bandwidth, Friloux served as president and chief operations officer for Citynet Fiber Networks where he developed the company into a leading regional wholesale carrier network spanning 13 states and 8,000 route miles.

Friloux started his career as a software engineer for Sabre Computer Services (American Airlines.)

He holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Oklahoma State University.

Jennifer Ragsdale
SVP - Chief Administrative Officer
Jennifer Ragsdale

Jennifer Ragsdale is senior vice president and chief administrative officer at Uniti, a Certified Great Places to Work company. Ragsdale oversees Uniti’s customer experience management, human resource efforts, diversity and inclusion programs, and leads execution strategy to create a culture of high performance.

Prior to joining Uniti, Ragsdale spent more than a decade in the human resources field, building and executing programs to drive operation strategies and organizational transformation.

Ragsdale is a certified professional in Human Resources (PHR), a SHRM certified Human Resources Professional (SHRM-CP) and is certified in Diversity and Inclusion in HR Management. Ragsdale previously served as the president of the Central Arkansas Human Resources Association. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Central Arkansas.

Ric Chura
SVP - Chief Information Officer
Ric Chura

Ric Chura is the senior vice president and chief information officer for Uniti. He previously served as Vice President of Information Technology at PEG Bandwidth, which was acquired by Uniti in 2016. He is responsible for setting Uniti’s cybersecurity strategy, technology governance and compliance and has led the integration of the multitude of companies acquired by Uniti.

Chura has over 20 years of experience in telecommunications industry working at Cap Gemini Ernst & Young, Predictive Systems, Callisma and FiberTower, a startup telecommunications backhaul provider. He has completed the Program on Negotiation from Harvard University and holds a Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering degree from Iowa State University.

Ronald J. Mudry
SVP - Chief Revenue Officer
Ronald J. Mudry

Ron Mudry is Chief Revenue Officer of Uniti Group Inc. and President of Uniti Leasing. In this role, Mudry is responsible for Uniti’s growth opportunities across its fiber and wireless infrastructure segments. He is also responsible for Strategy and Corporate Development.

Mudry leads Uniti’s sales and business development initiatives which include providing fiber based services to wireless carriers, wireline carriers, hyperscalers, content companies, cable MSOs and other wholesale customers. Mudry previously served as President of Sales and Business Development at Uniti Fiber.

Mudry has over 30 years of experience in the telecommunications industry and was the founder of two start-up fiber operating companies that grew to become leaders in their industry segment. He joined Uniti in 2016 following the acquisition of Tower Cloud, a company he founded in 2006, that was a leader in fiber, small cell and cell site backhaul services in the Southeast, U.S. Earlier in his career, he founded Progress Telecom (formed in 1998) and before that spent 15 years with GTE Corporation (now Verizon) where he held key management positions in finance, sales and marketing, international operations, treasury, strategic planning, and mergers and acquisitions.

Mudry serves on the Board of Directors and Executive Committee of INCOMPAS, a telecommunications industry association.

Mudry holds a Bachelor of Science degree with a major in finance from the University of Michigan and an MBA from the University of Tampa.

Travis Black
VP - Chief Accounting Officer
Travis Black

Travis Black is the chief accounting officer of Uniti Group Inc. In his current role, Travis leads a team of over 40 employees and is responsible for the company’s financial accounting, external reporting and financial compliance activities. Additionally, Travis oversees the company’s technical accounting matters, including merger and acquisition transactions and critical accounting estimates.

Travis has been with Uniti Group since 2015, and previously served as the Director of Financial Reporting. He began his career at FedEx, and he has over 18 years of experience in financial accounting and reporting for public companies. Travis holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from the University of Tennessee and an MBA from the University of Memphis. He is also a Certified Public Accountant.

Andy Newton
President—Uniti Fiber
Andy Newton

Andy Newton is president of Uniti Fiber where he stewards Uniti’s efforts to design, build and operate its fiber network infrastructure.

Newton was the co-founder of Southern Light, and for the previous 19 years served as its president and chief executive officer where he led the overall operations, strategic guidance and culture of the company. Under his direction, Southern Light grew to become one of the top 10 largest pure fiber optic providers in the country.

Newton received an Economics degree from Birmingham Southern College and enjoys providing leadership to non-profits that focus on education and community planning and development.

Bill DiTullio
Vice President - Investor Relations
Bill DiTullio

Bill DiTullio has over 10 years of investor relations experience, joining Uniti’s investor relations team in 2017. Bill was promoted to Vice President of Investor Relations and Finance in August of 2019. Bill originally joined Uniti through the acquisition of PEG Bandwidth in 2016, and has held several various finance roles within the organization. Prior to joining the Company, Bill served as Sr. Investor Relations Analyst at Comcast Corporation. Before that, Bill worked as an associate equity analyst at Boenning & Scattergood. Bill began his early career working for Prudential Financial in several accounting and finance roles.

Bill holds a Master of Business Administration degree from Temple University and a Bachelor of Science degree in finance and accounting from Villanova University.