Becky Ortyl:
I am Becky Ortyl, founder at Mighty Oakes Heart Foundation, and we’re here today at our Uniti Charity Golf Tournament benefiting Mighty Oakes Heart Foundation. We’ve had a record-breaking turnout, a beautiful day and gorgeous weather.
We look forward to this event every year, not only because it’s a great day, super fun, we’re fundraising, but it’s a way for us personally to honor our son Oakes, who was born with a congenital heart defect, lived for a short but mighty year and a half in St. Louis. He really introduced us to this world of congenital heart defects, so bringing everyone together today really gives us the opportUniti to honor him and keep his memory alive, do something really good in his name, and it’s really touching as his mom to fill the golf course with all these friends and sponsors and pull this all together in his honor.
So I just wanted to thank Uniti for sponsoring the event, but also everyone who’s sponsored, everyone who’s come out to golf, our volunteers helping today, just everyone who has impacted the success of this event. It means the world to the team at Mighty Oakes Heart Foundation, but also it really allows us to help more families in the congenital heart defect commUniti. On behalf of them, we’re just really appreciative of everybody who’s contributed and allowed us to have another really successful year.
*The transcript has been edited from the original video content to provide an improved reading experience.