Daniel Walters – eQRP | Director of Technology
EQRP stands for Enhanced Qualified Retirement Plan. Essentially, we help people invest their money in assets that make sense for them and their families. Often, we assist in moving their old 401(k)s or IRAs into an EQRP so they can invest in assets aligned with their goals—whether it’s gold and silver, real estate, syndications, REITs, or crypto. These are assets that help enhance and plan for their retirement. In a field many feel is commoditized, we stand out by offering high-touch customer service. Since many people aren’t familiar with this process, our goal is to empower them to take control of their retirement and financial future. Walking into something new can be daunting, so we provide the guidance and support that our 2,500 members need.
Connectivity and security are extremely important to us. Since we deal with people’s money, there’s a certain level of security and connectivity we need to maintain in everything we do. Our team of about 20 people must stay connected and fully operational during working hours to serve our members. Since we handle sensitive financial information, we ensure an extra layer of protection—something Uniti provides for us. Currently, we’re using only one gigabit, but our connection can expand up to 10 gigabits, allowing us to grow seamlessly as we continue to fill our building.
Our relationship with Uniti has been incredible. The installation process was painless: they set up all the equipment, and I was able to start up the network that very day. The internal network has worked flawlessly, with high speeds throughout. For anyone considering Uniti Fiber, I’d say the experience has been first-class. It’s fantastic to have a responsive team for any technical or sales support questions. Uniti connects our buildings and data centers, and I’ve found it invaluable to work with people who take the time to explain things clearly. Our relationship with Uniti Fiber is top-tier, and we look forward to working with them for many years to come.